(lots of PCT single track... http://leonadivide5050.com/)
Every once is awhile I ask myself... why am I slogging away on the trails, hours and hours every week. Here's what I've come up with so far:
-It's fun (see picture above).
-The people I run with are amazing individuals (see picture above).
-It's a good way to clear your head/decompress.
-I feel so fortunate that I am healthy enough to run. Working as a nurse I see thousands of kids who are temporarily or sometimes permanently disabled. You never know when something could change your whole world in an instant... so I'm going to run while I'm able.
-My dad says, "it oxygenates your brain," and I could use some extra brain power.
-It's good for you.
-It gives me an excuse to wear short shorts.
So, why do YOU run????